Thursday, September 29, 2011

Endurance and Trusting in God

These are two things that I've been learning about lately. I've been trying to find a better job to support my family and haven't found anything in 7 months of looking. I've been trying to trust in God, but until this past little while, I don't think I really have.

I think I've just been hoping in God.

Also, the hard part about enduring this is that I don't see the end. I can endure anything if I can see when it's going to be over, but when I can't, it makes it so much harder. God probably wants it that way so we rely on Him more.

I am grateful for this opportunity to grow. I think I've learned a lot, especially about myself and my faith level. But I just hope I can learn what I'm supposed to.

God really is there. I know He is. And I know in those dark times of despair, He is there. He will put His arms around you and say "You will make it, just a little longer, I love you".

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