Sunday, January 22, 2012

Guilty As Charged

A very quick thought.

Be patient in your trials, God may decide to bless you and then when He does you'll feel guilty for not being patient. (Happens to me a lot.)

Friday, December 30, 2011

Thank You

I want to say thank you to those that have made our Christmas so wonderful.

Friday, September 30, 2011

General Conference is This Weekend

I absolutely love listening to General Conference. You can view it at, too!

It's a wonderful time to listen to the Prophet and Apostles. You can feel the love of God through their words. I know that there is a Prophet on the earth today. I know God speaks to the Prophet, who is Thomas S. Monson. Please listen, it's wonderful.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Endurance and Trusting in God

These are two things that I've been learning about lately. I've been trying to find a better job to support my family and haven't found anything in 7 months of looking. I've been trying to trust in God, but until this past little while, I don't think I really have.

I think I've just been hoping in God.

Also, the hard part about enduring this is that I don't see the end. I can endure anything if I can see when it's going to be over, but when I can't, it makes it so much harder. God probably wants it that way so we rely on Him more.

I am grateful for this opportunity to grow. I think I've learned a lot, especially about myself and my faith level. But I just hope I can learn what I'm supposed to.

God really is there. I know He is. And I know in those dark times of despair, He is there. He will put His arms around you and say "You will make it, just a little longer, I love you".

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I think it is really hard to have faith. Yeah I have faith that everything will work out, but exercising faith, a lot harder.

I feel that I try to take things into my own hands and unfortunately leave God out. I know that I'm supposed to do my part, but I think I could trust in God a ton more than I do. So, I'm going to try to trust in God.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

We Can Help

We can help people, even without a lot of money. All it takes is time.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

Today I was home alone for Father's Day. I missed my kids and wife immensely.

But you know what, it was a grate day. I got a call from my kids at 9:15 am. I got to talk to my wife for a while.

I think the one thing that made it even better is that I was able to go visit different people. I visited with a really nice man at the local retirement home. We talked about the area, he's selling his house, he sees his son, and other things. It was a blast talking to him.

I also went and visited with one of our neighbors. We also talked about lots of things.

I learned that it makes me so happy to help others. Right now, all I can do is offer a listening ear. But it sure was fun.

Do we treat our family better than we treat others?