Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I think one thing to always work on is patience. Alma 32:43 - Those that work and are patient will receive the fruit of their labors. Can you imagine how patient God is? He is patient with you and me every single day. Through our imperfections, pride, arrogance, and other things that turn us away from Him. Turn to the Lord and you will be able to start walking to Him. I'm so grateful for God. He has given me everything. God does care about you and me.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sometimes It's the Short Scriptures That Mean So Much

"I behold that ye are lowly in heart; and if so, blessed are ye."
- Alma 32:8

lowly in heart = humble (which I'm not, but should be)

Question of the day: What has God done for me today?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Turning to God

I have been trying to turn to God more, especially since work is hard. I say prayers that I can feel better about work and enjoy it more. He has blessed me to have a good job and I thank Him daily for it.

So we can turn to our Heavenly Father for even normal things like work or not getting upset while driving or with the kids. I know He is right there ready to lift us up. We just have to turn to Him.

Scriptures I read this morning that I felt I could relate.
Alma 26:19-20

Thursday, October 7, 2010

General Conference

I love watching General Conference. It's when we get to listen to what the leaders of our church feel impressed that we need.

You can go and listen to them now at I do sometimes when I'm at work and am doing something that doesn't require a lot of concentration.

One thing about this blog, is that it helps me return more to God, instead of the world. It's nice.